Chapter X

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Saturday, October 07, 2006

Some food for thought...

Was having this UIP (Unit Induction Programme) for the past few days. Yesterday was one of the more interesting lectures. It's about doing DO(Duty Officer) duties. And before entering the topic.. S3 built up the atmosphere by getting us into a dialogue. The few main questions are:

1) From my RSM (Regiment Sergeant Major) who went to the states for a course, he mentioned that the US Army is widely loved by the public. But in SG, why is the SAF not so loved by the public? Both armies does basically the same thing which is the defence of the nation. We discussed and came up with the following factors:

a)SG does not have enough overseas mission unlike the US.
b) US is a superpower.
c)People take SG's security for granted. Or rather the public thinks that SG will NEVER go into a war. Even if SG was to enter a war, sure gone case cos it is so small!

2) So we asked ourselves, what can the SAF do to project a better image? And again, we came up with:
a) Giving all servicemen a positive army experience.
b) Educating servicemen about their roles and responsibilities. For eg, if you are a clerk by vocation. Don't compare with others who go outfield! why? mainly most clerks are NOT combat fit. So it means you are weaker and hence unable to endure the tough challenges that normal riflemen endure during outfield trainings. Each has their own roles. No doubt being a clerk is slack. Everyday 8 - 5. Maybe even can stay out. But like i said, different vocation different experience. Hence, DO NOT go around saying that ARMY is slack! IT IS NOT SLACK. IT'S YOUR VOCATION THAT IS SLACK! It is because of these servicemen, that the army has a rather negative image of the SAF.

End of the day, the main point is that each has their individual roles and responsibilites regardless of vocation. And that we must be proud of it, be it a clerk or riflemen. Also, we must carry out our roles and responsibilities to the best of our abilities.

So what are your impressions of the SAF? I'd really like to know. =)


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