Good bye encik
His last words to us after we commissioned: 成败聚散,自定古理。(Your success or failure is all up to you). Good bye 1WO Tan Tai Khoon.
Occupation: Student
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Our tour de wild singapore concludes with a trip to chek jawa on pulau ubin! Nothing much there compared to the previous 2 trail hikes we had (McRitchie and S.Buloh). The best thing there is the sea breeze. Very windy and cooling =) It has a sweet view of changi and nearby tekong and can be good setting for a picnic i guess. Chek Jawa is only a 40 minute walk from the jetty. We took longer than that because my other friends were too busy trying to locate durian trees and hoping to find a few durians that have fallen to the ground. The myth about durians only falling at night is definitely busted. Will upload some pics and probably some videos soon.